Decrease in body temperature

Decrease in body temperature

Decrease in body temperature

Following the world's top news about the pandemic, we are more than ever obsessed with our body temperature. If it raises above 38C we are all scared of covid19, especially if this temperature is continuing for more than two days. The truth is, the common cold will rarely raise the temperature for more than a day or two. In this fear to keep up with scale down, we hardly noticed how human body temperature decreased significantly within the last couple of decades and more. Why do we have lower body temperature now in comparison with our grandparents and the people before them?

Several reasons appear: one is that the metabolic rate in humans is lower since we have more steady jobs and overall lifestyles. Everything is at just one call of us or we can use common transport without spending much of our energy and therefore increasing body temperature. In this same spirit, we see that people who regularly practice or at least walk on a daily level for a couple of kilometers with a faster tempo have higher body temperature than the rest of them. Another reason is that in the past, we didn't have much effective medicine to help us cure the inflammation and decrease temperature. Many people died from fever. Nowadays, common medicine is highly effective.

Other situations show an increase in body temperature even where people are not that active and certainly not sick. One of these conditions in pregnancy. Metabolic rate after the first semester is increased and women feel warmth joined with higher metabolic rate.

Are we becoming cooler? Or lazy? Is it possible that one day, people will be able to control their body functions or pollution will swipe up humans before we learn enough about or metabolism and life functions overall?

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