

Why there is so much talking about gut health these days? How can our digestive system overcome infections and why it is the starting point for the majority of diseases? Everyday consuming is mostly focused on fast choices offered by chain production. We see “balanced meals” diet plans made the same for every person just in consideration with some basic parameters as height, weight, and age. The truth is, every person is different and only now we can see the results of these mistakes.

The human population suffers from various infections, diseases and they are becoming severe with time; more and more people die because of their diet choices. Infected by viruses and bacterias which we cant fight since our organism has no developed mechanism. Every year in developed countries where hygiene is high and diet well organized, millions of people contract antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections. Countdown started. World Health Organisation started counting how many people annually die from antibiotic-resistant infections, as well as from other “common” diseases. According to this, we are in the process of devolution, our immune system is weakening and mortality rates are higher with every year passing by. By the time of 2050, it is expected that the human population significantly decrease.

Besides health problems, poor environmental conditions, humans also have problems with natality. Developed countries show a decreased number of births every year in comparison with previous, since many couples delay offspring or choose not to have it, but mostly because of the sterility problem. On the other side, poor countries are in wars and despite their high natality rates, most of the children are unfortunately sentences to slow painful death caused by hunger. While we count how many people in developed countries die from obesity, gut bacterias, digestive system diseases caused by overeating, etc, there are millions of children dying from hunger.

“Science Alert” has announced that now we are in greater danger of antibiotic-resistant infections, and the size of this is comparable to COVID-19. "Unlike COVID-19, which came along suddenly and burst on the scene, the superbug crisis has been simmering along," Strahdee said. "It's already a pandemic. It's already a global crisis, and it's getting worse under COVID.” -Steffanie Strathdee, a professor of medicine at the University of California, San Diego.

From the perspective of Genetics and Physiognomy, one most notice certain irony in this approach. A virus which is capable of changing genetic code and overtake the immune system of an individual, leading it to fast death, shouldn’t be compared to the results of bad habits and poor choices from both sides: patients (overeating, poor diet choices) and their doctors (invasive treating patients with antibiotics leading them to resistance). There are to proposed solutions: one is the development of new lines of antibiotics capable of fighting these infections and the other is a cocktail of phages. Phages can target specific bacterias and naturally consume them, resolving problems easily without complications. It is an experimental approach proved to be successful in many cases but still not confirmed for all possible users.

New funds will be soon released for finding drugs capable of fighting these intruders and once again, the main problem will stay unsolved. Decades ago announced personalized medicine will be developed only for a few lucky ones.

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