Fun facts. Parthenogenesis as a survival tool

Fun facts. Parthenogenesis as a survival tool

Fun facts. Parthenogenesis as a survival tool

Just recently geneticists discovered that some animals, despite sexual reproduction, occasionally use asexual ways to produce offspring. This means that some chickens are actually having their mothers as their fathers at the same time. This is used as a survival technique. 

How does it happen? Females have the ability to create both types of sexual cells-eggs and sperm. When cells which supposed to be developed into eggs replace their function and become sperm cells, sometimes happens that these fertilize eggs within the same individual. As a result, there is a baby with a unique genome and it is later a trace that scientists followed to determine the presence of a father in this process. 

Previously we knew that some species have the ability to do so but now we can spread the list. Known species were: sharks, rays, lizards and now we know about American (California) condors. Self-fertilization is seen in captive bird species: turkeys, chicken, Chinese-painted quail, etc (National Geographic). Although these birds usually reproduce sexually, it does occur that they have offspring from asexual reproduction. How do we know about it? Their genetic material tells the whole story. And how do animals know when to choose this technique? It seems like they are choosing it among other times when sexual reproduction is giving offspring, and yet they use the second one, too, probably to increase genetic diversity among their groups. In the end, it will result in better survival potential.

It is amazing how genetic can help us save some species and at the same time, teach us about ways in nature. Animals approach different techniques in survival and almost nothing is excluded. Human offspring are also endangered, especially since pollution is taking so much upon its quality. Climate change is affecting that more offspring is born within one sex and there is no balance between sexes anymore. Asexual reproduction and parthenogenesis could be a part of solutions. 

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