Major catastrophes at the beginning of 2020

Major catastrophes at the beginning of 2020

This year started with a whole list of tragic events, among which we can dedicate special attention to bush fires in Australia this summer season and a new type of coronavirus- COVID 9 this winter season ( November 2019-March 2020, continuing). Both have one major common trait-taking lives faster than we can do anything. Bushfires were almost unstoppable and took millions of native Australian animals to death, in terrible conditions screaming in pain and fear. Some of this was recorded and some of them were brought to the wildlife hospitals but unfortunately, the vast majority died. The ones who survived were and are treated with special attention. Decades of experience helped veterinarians for wildlife to save lives. We are all happy to hear that most of the saved animals survived.

It seems that tragic news never ends this year even though people are doing their best to bring a positive outcome. We learned from these situations about what koalas are fascinating. This Australian animal has a special ability to detoxify gum leaves but because of the difficult drought, eucalyptus leaves became severely toxic and almost inedible for Koalas. Like this was not enough stress for them, being hungry and therefor thirsty as well, koalas immune system dropped. They usually have fertility problems because of the bacteria chlamydia who was brought by foreign animals to Australia and now this became a constant. Koalas will not have babies this season and we can just hope that some of them will succeed by the end of the year. The population has suffered enough and this would be a final drop.

Thanks to volunteers and fundraising, koalas have a chance. Project for kolas genome research will be a very helpful source for establishing many healthy generations of koalas. Finally, we have to provide them life in a good or even better condition than they had before the bushfires.

Reminder for people: suffering is not one-directional; it will affect all of us if we don’t work unitedly. Animals suffering will heart us too so we have to preserve and protect their environment because it is ours too but above all-because, we care. To care is not difficult and to do something positive is even easier. Let’s Raise the conscience!

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