Petroleum replacement - safflower oil

Petroleum replacement

A wild plant introduced to the Australian environment has adapted so well and became one of the few useful plants for human consumption. But little people knew when they saw incredible long roots and survival with exceptional characteristics. This root was capable of collecting water from very deep soil and enduring pressure while at the same time keeping humidity and developing long chains of oleic acid. The molecular structure became known later, long after people used this plant for food and medicinal purposes.

Fun fact is that safflower has always the same flowering date every year - 21st December. Researchers tried to change its flowering time by changing the plant's conception of time. Hopefully, safflower will then be able to have more than one flowering date and therefore, more valuable products.

Molecular structure and metabolism of the safflower

According to laboratory reports, this plant contains valuable resources of linoleic acid (LA), oleic acid (OA), and palmitic acid (PA). Because of these characteristics, it was assumed that a plant can be a great derivative of oil which will potentially be a replacement for petroleum and one of the ecological solutions.

“Initial studies show safflower oil to be a superior lubricant that has lower emissions than conventional petroleum-based products, and reduces friction and wears on engine components.” (1)

A wild breed could not be used easily; instead, it was a great model organism for genetic engineering and its genetic structure was changed. Some genes are silenced and others enhanced so that a plant can deliver more oil and have more flowering dates.

Molecular plant biologist Ulrik John is one of the leading scientists working on this matter.

“The biofuel is produced from specially-bred safflower with high levels of oleic acid, the culmination of 18 years of work by CSIRO plant scientists. Oleic acid is a lubricating compound with a range of uses, from heart pacemakers to cosmetics.”(1)

Comparison with petroleum

New generations of safflower derivate oil were used for comparison with petroleum. Results were more than promising. In fact, it was proposed that by the year 2025, petroleum usage in the military can be easily replaced with this great new solution. In addition, safflower oil can be reused which means - little to no waste. In comparison with other varieties, it has up to 93% oil with the highest. The process is not at the end, every season brings more qualitative traits. Finally, this oil was compared with petroleum in standard performance tests: under the heat, pressure, and in large diesel engines.

Results were up to three times better than expected and very promising. We can expect severe changes in the incoming years, mostly because resources of petroleum are almost empty and then because e need a change. A better, clean, and more convenient solution is right in front of us- but, are we ready to accept it?


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