Rising sun

Rising sun

Pandemic is coming to its end, we can see how devastating results were, taking countless lives all around the globe. Now, when several different types of vaccines are present, those who have access, doubt in its value and shake our chances of overcoming the pandemic. As a scientist, one can not avoid being disappointed by people’s thinking. Medical trials show a very small percentage of people who suffered after receiving vaccines and because of this small percentage, the majority choose to stay unvaccinated. 

Why people never think about all possible negative outcomes after receiving the usual vaccines, that we all had, as well as our children, against many diseases which were devastating for the human population in the past? We vaccinate our children without thinking and still, these same vaccines have a certain level of danger and can affect the immune system of young ones.

The answer is simple, as a parent, I choose to vaccinate my child and hope for the best because her chances are better like this than if she grows and stays unvaccinated. If there is even the slightest possibility for her to contract some virus that was of great danger in the past, I will try to stop it. Living and traveling will be safer. 

Letting our immunity fight to so many regular intruders is difficult enough. We don’t live in the past where nature was strong and our living clean. These days. people are packed in close communities, even in small countries so chances of contracting any virus are higher. 

Living clean is not in contradiction with vaccination. It means to choose wisely and stay safe, for the sake of our family, our friends, and ourselves. 

But what about those people who already had coronavirus? Should they be vaccinated?:) in the next blog..



Jumping genes

Jumping genes