Neurological changes in patients with Covid-19

Neurological changes in patients with Covid-19

Neurological changes in patients with Covid-19

Every month we find out more about changes caused by the virus who stopped the world. This type, newest info point out to neurological changes. The majority of patients were older and already had some typical for mature age diseases-dementia, Alzheimer's. After being infected by this virus, people start to experience confusion, headaches which are often very strong and last for days even in people who never had headaches. Finally, older patients experience seizures similar to epileptic, and additional neurological changes, loss in neural networks.

After these data, observations were made in the activity of the brain but not exact explanations were given. Because we don’t know enough about the changes in brain activity in Alzheimer's or dementia, there is no specific guidance about the way how viruses impact neural cells. 

Still, it became clear that some neural paths are closed, brain activity is decreased, and that this might be an explanation for the confusion which lasts long. 

Patients with Covid-19 often lost some of their motor skills while sick and to recuperate them, took some time, longer than with any other respiratory pulmonary infection. 

Maybe this is our guide to an explanation of how Covid-19 affects an organism in global-by silencing neural communication and affecting neural networks, organs lose the ability to communicate and cooperate. The immune system,e becomes more vulnerable and acts with less specificity, therefore ineffective or even destructive as in the case of “cytokine storms”, explained in the first text about the virus and host immunity. 

To be able to recover this network, people need a strong will, activity, and interest. The global situation is not complementing this aspect, since many towns practice isolation or quarantine, and overall, people don’t move much these days. Deficiency in vitamin D was an additional factor of disease severeness for patients with Covid-19. Walks under the sunlight prevent us from getting severely sick. Probably needed in the cell reparation process, D vitamin becomes essential and recently some European countries asked from their food producers to supplement it with vitamin D.

How will all this affect our population, everybody asks themselves? Besides economic and environmental aspects of our living, affected by the virus, long-term consequences such as changed DNA structure by this immune deficient disease can be transmitted to the next generations, which will have organs with lower capacity. Physical, as well as mental health of humans, is already badly affected, social relationships loosened, and even lost. We learned how to live without others, how to turn to solitary our own needs, and how to keep the distance. We didn’t learn how to help others and what activities could be taken to prevent health loss. 

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Understand the Pre-existing immunity to human coronaviruses 

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