Personalized medicine

Personalized medicine

Personalized medicine

The new era brings better solutions for our health issues. Variety in human genetic leads to so many different variations in familiar diseases and therefore we need a better approach to stop and prevent the development of these conditions. Next to a healthy lifestyle, balanced habits, and energy intake/spending, genetic footprint seems to be one of the key elements to our products and better life.

The human genome project was developed in the recent past and brought us info about gene expressions for a variety of samples. When determining disease and condition, health issue, etc, doctors tend to follow protocols when it comes to medicine. Protocols were the same for the majority of patients and many mistakes were made. Sometimes these mistakes can be fatal, for example, if we take one medicine that is not well accepted by our system and later cause complications. 

Previously personal history of family diseases was necessary when it comes to treating a patient but these days we have a better solution. mapping the human genome, seeing all active sets of genes that could be responsible for health issues now or later, can significantly improve treatment because finally, doctors know exactly which medicine is the best for us. 

Unfortunately, it is still quite expensive to treat every person individually according to their genetic footprint because simply there are not enough medical doctors and still not enough affordable biomarkers to fast and cheap test all possible causes of diseases for every person. The majority simply can not afford this treatment. Doctors will therefore test just those who need specific and productive approaches, for example, cancer patients-to see which medicine will be the most effective and cut the precious time in treating a patient, hopefully with the best result. On the top priority list are minors, kids, and severely sick people. 

But wouldn’t it be great if we could afford prevention of diseases, rather than treatment, which is so often non-effective in the long run? If genetic testing can provide us exact data about our “weak spots, we could pay more attention to these parts and taking good care of them, prevent destruction.

Luckily, prices are becoming more affordable every year so soon we all will be able to test our genome and require personalized medicine approach, in case we need it.

Precision medicine, part 2 (Pharmacogenetics; Pharmacogenomics)

Precision medicine, part 2 (Pharmacogenetics; Pharmacogenomics)

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