Forest bathing

Forest bathing

Walking through the woods is a major experience not many people can claim to know these days. Woods become rare and people prefer to live in communities, cities, where green spaces are few and can not be considered as a forest. Besides many environmental impacts, green spaces suffer, people’s need to expand and use as much land as they can for food production, today’s massive trend of destroying trees has paid its price for our health. Pandemic started as a respiratory syndrome and continue in direction of overall health issue with a leading number of deaths in comparison to other causes.

We slowly turn to natural and pure solutions for reclaiming our health and improving the way of life together with our environment. These days trend of forest bathing is very popular and its benefits are clear to all of us. Walking through the forest is relaxing, brings us to a good mood and easy tension, regulates metabolism, and lowers blood pressure. After this experience, we are clear-minded and relaxed. When compared same time spend in the walk with the same intensity but different environment, for example, city or shopping malls, results show a clear difference. Scientists made an experiment with three groups within different environments and took blood samples from all participants before and after a walk. After several attempts, results show incomparable benefits of a walk in the forest vs other circumstances and environments.

The main reason behind this discovery, which was not surprising at all, is one chemical released by trees, responsible for our immunity boost. It was called phytoncide, a type of essential oil predominantly released by evergreen forest but also found in some vegetables, as garlic etc. Every tree is surrounded by this aromatic chemical and we can easily sense it. Results also show that just three days in one month spent in the forest can last as a natural immunity boost for at least one month. “Scientists think that breathing in phytoncides—airborne chemicals produced by plants—increases our levels of white blood cells, helping us fight off infections and diseases.”

Some cultures as Japanese, have this activity tightly connected with their culture and regularly practice it. No wonder why Japanese people are so long-living and healthy people, considering this and many other facts.

“Phytoncides have antibacterial and anti-fungal qualities which help plants fight disease. When people breathe in these chemicals, our bodies respond by increasing the number and activity of a type of white blood cell called natural killer cells or NK. These cells kill tumor- and virus-infected cells in our bodies. “

In addition, the tee can be made from evergreen needles and it is a very healthy alternative to common tee types. Rich in vitamin C, antioxidants, this type of tea can be made from various evergreen trees: pine, balsam, spruce etc.

Which trees give off the most Phytoncides?

“Cedar, garlic, locust, oak, onion, pine, tea tree, many spices, and many other plants give off phytoncides. Garlic contains allicin and diallyl disulfide. Pine contains alpha-pinene, carene, myrcene, and other terpenes”

“Phytoncides significantly enhance human NK activity and this effect is at least partially mediated by induction of intracellular perforin, granzyme A, and granulysin.”

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