Christmas trees around the world

Christmas trees around the world

Christmas tree around the world

Not everywhere in the world is a Christmas tree the same. We are familiar with one particular type of evergreen tree, but the truth is, the majority of the world takes other types of trees to be Christmas trees. 


 Far on the South, there is one special Christmas tree, specific for their survival technique. Drought is high, most of the year, not even a drop will survive, tree developed a new way to survive. Niutsya floribunda is probably the most unusual and unknown Christmas tree. Living in the driest spaces of Australia, This tree is quite of a survivor. They form blades, very sharp and particular in their way, to cut other plants and steal their juices. Being a member of the southern mistletoe family (Loranthaceae, it is expected to be a shrub-like the rest of this family. but this is a type of tree, forming strong roots in its search for water. It doesn’t rely only upon its parasitic way of life, but perform photosynthesis to cover its own needs. Yet, a tree takes a special place in the diagram of survivors. It is considered the largest (semi)parasite in the world. Native people believe that recently decent souls are kept in these trees and therefore consider it sacred. 

From the perspective of human survival in these harsh environments, roots are found to be edible. After cooking, they perform starchy taste. 

Image 1. Australian Christmas tree. source:



Far in the North and in many European countries, a Christmas tree is not even closely like the one we all see in commercials and movies. It is a new small version of an oak tree. Cut, shared, and brought to every home, this tree is sacred and resembles Christmas in a completely different perspective. The birth of a Christ is a birth of Life and Faith; for these people, the oak tree is a symbol of all that and more, the light. Oaktree collects a lot of light during a year, its leaves are very wide and branches grow high, forming a strong canopy. Christmas is celebrated on 7th January and yet, trees keep their leaves, although dry and not able to photosynthesize. This tree was sacred for many ancient civilizations. It was collected and burned to heat a cave where Godmother gave birth to Christ and long before, the tree was respected for many centuries. Slavic people are known for their respect and love for trees, especially the oak tree. Longliving, strong and magnificent in its size and power, this is by far the most beautiful Christmas tree but only when is in nature. When cut, tree dies and new generations try to change this tradition in a way to save them; it can be done by keeping up the numbers high- only cutting the old and sick trees. 

Image 2. Badnjak (Oak, Christmas tree) source:

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