

There is a special connection between humans and nature, aside from the fact that we use every nature's aspect to survive and thrive. This connection is presented in our tendency to spend time in nature, some of us more and others less, depending on our preferability, the way we were brought up, and how much we love nature.

When we spend time surrounded by wildness, our senses improve and our mind becomes clear, emotions can find their way. Hearing birds in a special kind of melodia, implemented in our gene memory to bring us joy and peace, so each time it happens and we notice them, instant raise of endorphin and domapine occurs in our body. We smell pure non-industrial scents and clear our minds. Some cultures have a life philosophy around the benefits of hugging trees. Research of biophilia teaches us new data every day although we often have a feeling that those were heard before because they are so familiar and acceptable.

Everyday life doesn't allow us to spend too much time in nature but if there is a will, and need, we can just go for a walk in the park, spend quality time with animals/pets and return to our daily duties full of energy.

Some of the world's population don't have availability of nature. Their cities are huge, parks are few and people turn to technology and focus on consumption. Generations later, people growing up in big cities break their connection with nature. All that is left is behoof, to take as much as they can and earn on it. As a result, citizens often develop health issues early in childhood and later psychological problems. Medicine can not help and cure the stage in which people get after entirely breaking the connection with nature.

With time, it became clear that we have to find a healthy balance between new ways of living and keeping our connection with nature very much alive.

Planting within the household, having pets, spending quality time in parks with family and friends, but also alone is very important to maintain psychological strength and good metabolism.

The evolution of humans shows a decrease in our senses ability, verbal expression, memory, and improved visual response. These are results of technology impact. Both perspectives, positive and negative are inevitable since humans have a certain direction to follow but on this path, we can keep biophilia as a very valuable aspect of life. This issue is not environmental only, but it points out our quality of life.

Atomic habits

Atomic habits

The sense of smell

The sense of smell