Atomic habits

Atomic habits

Atomic habits

Popular literature pushes us towards adaptation of new habits, with the same samples telling us how to behave for most of our day. Not everyone has the luxury to take all daytime for themselves most people don’t! So the proposition to start a day with 10minutes of meditation followed by training and shower and coffee and a good quality breakfast is a very good clue only for very young people students or those who can afford to spend a day for themselves. Many would say, why don’t you get up earlier before your child and do all these things to start a day right. But little they know, parents finish their day last and start first, with usually about 6h to sleep which is often interrupted. Those extra 

half an hour or 40min in the morning to sleep instead of following prepositioned routine is essential to keep us during a day.

Next, parents do all those things for the love and sake of their children- children’s smiling faces are the best reward and the best meditation we can imagine so atomic habits as explained could be adopted only if made differently for everyone.

For example, a daily routine of reading is necessary to keep us well informed, focused, on how to imagine, learn new things, and protect our spirits. Starting with 15 minutes ( best with kids to adopt habit but works anytime in life) will often be prolonged for half an hour at least. From books we learn about ourselves, the world around us, we learn to listen and how to react.

The same is for exercise-habit of exercising right before taking a shower is adaptable for almost any profile-difference is only in timing. After morning routine with a kid and house cues, return from a playground, I have an extra half an hour to cycle and this is quite enough followed by a quick shower and preparation of tea, while the kid is resting. Maybe the best time for exercise is morning but for me, there’s simply no time then. 

Reading can be implemented right before bedtime and almost everybody can do this instead of scrolling social networks and other time-wasting activities. 

A long time ago, I couldn’t imagine life without meat but with raising my conscience, I slowly grow to avoid meals with meat and finally quit. Habits of avoiding meat helped me and also, the introduction of at least three types of fruits and vegetables in my daily menu. This habit was later adapted by my family manu and I believe that my child is healthier as a vegetarian with a preference for fresh fruits and veggies. 

After all, atomic habits are a great way to build our life in the direction where we want to go. In the long run-we can become who we want to be and keep up with progress. 

Spring and Pollen allergies

Spring and Pollen allergies

