Locked world.

Locked world.

Social perspective.

This scene will be often seen in the future. We are finding a way to cope with it and figure out the best outcome- spending time with loved ones, with family and roommates and learning to communicate with eyes since now masks cover our smiles. Overall facial expression is more difficult to read.

Political perspective.

“Chinese” virus is often referred for COVID-19 and it is the exact point where more misunderstandings and racism begin in many different directions. Foreigners are now banished from China, considered sick and the reason for the return of the virus. The whole world is going under faster than we knew it could and it just reminds us of history. When information travels faster than ever, can we be smart enough to focus on possible solutions and avoid every similar problem in the future? Because we are connected as are cells in one organism.

Australia's solutions

Australia has presented the latest findings of a possible cure for COVID-19. Medicine called Ivermectin is not a new drug on the market but it has shown tremendous results in fighting this virus in vitro. Inhibition of replication of the virus was proved in the lab, in vitro conditions and it is about to start with further investigation. The trial will include living cells of model organisms and later human volunteers. We are all eager to see these results.

Low mutation rate- a new hope

Coronavirus has proofreading machinery which means it regularly checks and repairs genetic errors made in the process of replication. This means that the virus has a low mutations rate and thus we have a better chance to understand and fight it.

Looking for positive should be an automotive response -not focusing on political or even social issues, but only health, at this time of international health crises.

Survival organisation. New Zealander Kakapo

Survival organisation. New Zealander Kakapo

COVID-19 The retaliation 

COVID-19 The retaliation