We are one


By understanding Genomics, we become able to understand our genetics, our health status and health potential. This allows us to improve our quality of life-first by protecting our nature, then our own being (health, social, political perspectives etc). All leaving being are parts of one single puzzle (according to our genetic code and genomics allows us to put all these peaces together). 

Unfortunately, a very few people will recognise how humans are similar and that there are no races but only different phenotypes as a result of our genetics and epigenetic. We are still not at that stage but with time and education, this will become presence-to teach all young people that we are the same when it comes to DNA structure and that all the other factors-political, social, religious etc are  solely different approaches to life-not our structure and being.

To do prenatal screening is beneficial prior to pregnancy because when in this phase, there is not much we can do except terminate or wait for the lucky outcome. Prior to pregnancy bring us understanding of risks but unfortunately not decreasing it. It is important to understand that nature has surprising factor even when we do all the lab work-for two reasons-unknown factors, lack of knowledge or spectre of occurrences. 

Genomics will help health industry to take a path of individual development and hence improve quality of our lives, no doubt about it.



Black Soldier fly

Black Soldier fly