Survival organisation. New Zealander Kakapo
Survival organisation
New Zealander Kakapo
There is a perfect survival organization in nature which includes specific habitat and type of food for each creature. It is amazing how well established is their way and the fact that they never overlap with other species. They share the same habitat and environment issues but besides that, every specie will find its place and all necessities at the perfect There are about 6600species of songbirds, which is more than half of all birds species. They show uniqueness with their song but also a choice of habitat, appearance, food, etc . While some birds will eat the leaf, others will consume flowers or maybe pedicle. With this choice, birds increase their survival rate. Following one of these birds species, we will be amazed to see how picky they can be.
For example, a great New Zealander Kakapo will bread only when its favorite tree (the rimu tree) blossoms. This owl parrot bird will then assume that year ahead will be filled with fruits and more than plenty nourishments for them and their offspring. Otherwise, it feeds on different seeds, berries, nuts. Kakapo is indeed one of the extremely unique birds and that is why it deserves such great attention. With a lifespan of 95 years, it is considered as one of the longest living animal species. Incapable of flying, this bird was often hunted by different predators. They are nocturnal creatures and often walk on the ground which makes them even more vulnerable. Today there are about 200 individuals, all named and highly protected, living in different areas of New Zealand which are cleared from predators. Maori, native to New Zealand, behaved differently to Kakapo: from hunting to worshiping but the actual treatment was the introduction of cats, dogs, and foreigners who came about 300 years ago.
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Adaptation is a race in which these animals can not win. If we know more about them and appreciate them, they can survive. We can learn from speciation in nature, where each individual has its place and purpose, way of acting, and surviving.