Festive season
Festive season
How to stay pro-life this festive season?
Can we manage to have great holidays without meat on our plates? Can we be generous, kind and at the same time, have a great Thanksgiving, Christmas, NewYear night/day, celebrate our saints, etc..
Photo by Food Photographer | Jennifer Pallian on Unsplash
Every year season of holidays is tightly connected with turkey or pig meat, lamb meat, dry meat cheese and so on the list goes..now for the first time, we can exchange all these sources for another choice. There is a variety of choices to introduce soy, oat, plant-based milk alternatives for cheese, drinkable or used for deserts. Finally, they will all have great taste, save a lot of our time and - we can stay kind.
This year for the first time Black Friday was exchanged in many developed countries for Green (Fri)day (alternative) where people were informed and directed towards eco choices, even if they don’t want to change the tradition of buying cheap things.
Holidays are the time of giving, not just receiving. We should be kind and give everything extra for people and animals in need. This includes material things, but above all, it includes our help and help means time and changing minds about non-eco choices. Everything we do to help animals, the environment, we do to help ourselves now and in the future, so even if you don’t enjoy this emotional experience when helping others, at least you can think about yourself and your offspring having a better environment, place to live.
Protecting life includes everything. This festive season, it can be giving up on turkey, or pig or lamb as your holiday meal, then changing non-eco habits for better alternatives and finally, help others including animals. Small steps are still steps towards a divine goal.