Save the Bees

Save the Bees

We notice them and love them, sometimes afraid when allergic but we don’t recognize how precious are these little creatures for our living, for our nutrition, health, for our overall environment. Bees have adapted to different climates across the world and they make the vast majority of the pollinator population.

Being cosmopolite still doesn’t help them when it comes to environmental changes. There is simply not enough time to adapt to these changes..even a week or so later or earlier season coming can make a significant difference when it comes to their reproduction, growth, feeding time, etc. Plants are confused, so as bees. We notice warmer climate in every part of the world, heat waves confusing plants, earlier blooming and sudden snowfall in late spring or even beginning of the autumn..and this is not the only problem. Bees have to deal with parasites and intruders.

The major concern was raised about parasites Veroa mites and Nosema ceranae. Being infected, bees loose generation or even two, sometimes the whole colony. Beekeepers can’t recognize exactly which bees are infected because intruders are hidden in cells of the bees larvae and sometimes destroy half of the colony, of all of them, some of them healthy but vast majority infected. 

Bees deal with the loss of habitat. There are not many wild meadows left.

We could help. 

Plant pollinator-friendly garden. It will attract bees, provide food and shelter for them. Maybe it seems like little but on a global level, this can mean a significant difference. 

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