Wild meadow

Wild meadow

Wild meadow

June is a month of wild meadow birth, a month when we can finally enjoy long warm days with occasional thunder. This mix of weather circumstances greatly benefits flowering on the meadow. On our walks, we see all its colorfulness and beauty which becomes inspiring and bring joy to our life. Short walks in a meadow field are better than meditation, better than a company, and more inspiring than we can imagine. The colors are sharp and life is very busy working on its flowers. We notice slight differences in the same environment but small hights, colors change in the same species and this is called variety in species. To attract insects and improve the chances of pollination, plants can slightly change the color of their flowers. We become witnesses of purple turning to pink, or yellow turning to orange. Seeds or wild meadow plants have become popular for planting in house gardens and this is the best way to help bees and other living creatures to keep their natural habitat and on the other side, have a very beautiful and every time, unique, garden.

Kids in the garden

From experience, it is proved that kids have better fun spending time at the wild meadow than any kinder garden filled with different instructions. On the wild meadow, they can see life, bees and insects, different colors, and feel different textures, not to mention beautiful scents. Spending time here brings peace, healthy tiredness which will lead to a healthy appetite for a meal, nice little talks before bed, and finally, a healthy sleep. We don’t have to be worried about their play and getting hurt, because plants are natural buffers:) long sleeves and pants are tough essential because some kids are very sensitive to grass cuts and occasional insect bites.

Preschoolers will learn a lot by asking questions there, on the field. The next step for school-aged children is no less fun- gathering plants for herbarium and learning how to grow their food-some practical skills are essential and for them-very fun.

Finally, meadows should be protected, should be appreciated, and more often grown in our backyards. They are natural meditational spots, where we become calm and inspired; they are natural kids playgrounds- where future generations will have the best time growing and best memories, and last, they were and should stay our natural environments, for the benefit of all.

Pictures of plants from a wild meadow in (Sought) Europe, mountain area.

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