Syringa vulgaris - Lilac

Syringa vulgaris - Lilac

Syringa vulgaris - Lilac

Today a tribute is paid to one specific plant species, Lilac or Syringa vulgaris. Native to Balkans but now present in many different countries in the world, this beautiful tree is famous for so many different uses. Festivals are held and its name mentioned in line with love, art, music. In addition to the previous article, Lilac is mentioned because of its global nature but nonaggressive-present is wide space from Balkans to East Asia, cultivated in West and Central Europe and Central America and Canada, lilacs show mild and adaptive nature to all surroundings which are very unusual to foreign species when introduced to the nonnative environment. When planted in other areas, lilacs change their color slightly from original purple to light or darker versions or even pink and white, they also become an essential part of a diet for local insects but never interrupt cycle in that specific area. In native countries in Balkan, lilacs are food for butterflies (Lepidoptera) but also many other insects, which makes cultivating a bit more difficult even tough, lilacs are pretty much resistant plants. The tree is not tall, up to 5m, with empty branches which makes them suitable for making musical instruments.

Chemical content in lilac

They contain iridoids that present the best phytonutrients for the plant's defense mechanism. Besides that, the present are 15 different amino acids, ligands, and flavonoids, sesquiterpenes. Chemical element silicon is the naturally major element in lilac flowers as well as amino acids alanine, leucine, asparagine acid, and glutamine acid. When we obtain all the data given from chemical analyses of this beautiful plant, it proves its benefit for anti-inflammatory purposes and an increase in the immunity of humans. As such, plant was used for centuries. It is easily grown and very common in every garden in Balkans as well as many in the whole Central and Western Europe. Native people use flowers as prevention and cure for fever. The specific beautiful smell is used for the production of perfumes. Chemical content is hidden behind acyclic sesquiterpene alcohol called farnesol.

Knowing its value can have many benefits for humans in the future because we will almost certainly turn to natural solutions. A recent coronavirus crisis pointed out the benefit of having all possible solutions, preferably natural, ready in the fight against it. These solutions could be highly adaptable to the human population. It seems that nature is offering the path we could take without risking our health down the road.

Because of its nature, today, lilacs are celebrated on spring festivals in many countries. Destruction of habitat is impacting every creature and by having those globalists, there is a hope to save variability in species.

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