Respiratory diseases - introduction and prevention

Respiratory diseases - introduction and prevention

In the week of awareness of respiratory diseases and illnesses, we should take a look into its main characteristics, development path and therapy. But above all, we should all take action for prevention.

Here are some of the most common respiratory diseases: 

Asthma, Pneumonia, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), Bronchitis and Chronic Bronchitis, Lung cancer, Cystic fibrosis. 

Genetic factors, air, and overall environmental pollution, way of life are just some of the most effective preconditions for developing these diseases and illnesses. When it comes to children of a very young age, bronchitis is very often present for the first couple of years. The passive way of life which doesn’t include spending a lot of time in nature for children and lack of activity will often negatively affect children’s lung development. Sometimes, bronchitis will become chronic in these cases. Parent’s worst scenario is asthma, often masked and unrecognizable according to its first common signs. 

Here are some of the common respiratory diseases signs:

difficulties in breathing and chest pain, stubborn cough, shortness of breath after some mild activity, chronic mucus, coughing up blood.

Kids showing these difficulties are easy to detect, especially after some physical activities in the kindergarten or a school. Adults often take medicaments and mask symptoms so it becomes more difficult for doctors to determine the type of the problem and include the right type of therapy.

We always read about healthy lifestyles and what should we do, eat, how to act, etc. The truth is, being informed and not acting according to it is just one step further but not being informed means never reaching that lifestyle. 

Start small. Take your pet more often to the park for a longer walk. Bring friends, kids, have a picnic. Our days are for sport, being happy, for raising oxytocin hormone levels, that makes us happy, laugh often and wide up our bronchia:) 

Studies with volunteer participants presenting their ways of life show that people who are happier and more active, are generally healthier since their immunity is under protection. On the other side, participants which were very disciplined in their lifestyles, eat healthily and included recommended number of hours for exercises, maintained a healthy weight, etc, actually had more respiratory problems in comparison to those who were overall happier and very active without pressure. The keyword would be- life enthusiasm:) 

Importance of breathing

Importance of breathing

Simple changes for the better

Simple changes for the better