Pets- Health and Expenses

Pets- Health and Expenses

Pets are not expensive, it is a myth! Here’s how..You can adopt any kind you want, shelters are full of those poor souls left for so many wrong reasons. Adopting a mixed breed you will have less need to visit a vet and many vaccines and treatments for them will be free, provided by organizations for animal protection.

On the internet, you can find many interesting ways how to entertain and teach your pet to do anything you want so all you need is a will and some quality time spent with them! There are also many support groups of people organized to help each other so for example, you can leave your pet to a friend from this group if you travel or vice versa.

After all, pets require attention and love, time spent with them, some regular brushing, normal diet and exercise. If you fulfill these basic requirements, which will not take a lot of your time, especially once you get your routine, the results are obvious. Healthy, happy pets and their good energy, shared with you daily.

Pets will change their behavior only for some serious reasons. Being neglect, tortured by anyone ( small kids are often worst nightmares for house animals) and they can change towards you when either you or a pet is seriously sick. Dogs can notice lung and breast cancer by almost 90% of occurrence and their sensitive noses are often used for such purposes. Being kindest and best-behaved animals among the majority of house pets, dogs are often emotional support. They can notice glucose level rising in our blood, they can smell narcotics, guide us when we are unable to see, hear, walk.. they are irreplaceable.

Now, if you dare, compare expenses for them and all the good we get from life living with them..

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Preparing for a C-section

Health and pets

Health and pets