Preparing yourself for a Cesarean section

Preparing yourself for a Cesarean section

Can we ever be prepared enough? Knowing that this day is coming and facing so many contradictory issues is psychologically very exhausting. You have gone through the almost whole pregnancy and know you ‘only’ have to face that big day when your little one will finally come into your arms. But before that, you have to face some of the greatest challenges in your life, especially difficult if you were one of those people who rarely, almost never go to see a doctor and among those people who never had any surgery.

Can you go through anesthesia and wake up and what will happen with your child if you don’t? Can your partner really take care of everything? Baby is a challenge and you think, as a first-time parent, no experience is a massive weight on your partners back. Soon as you realize that this is one of those situations which you CAN NOT control, soon will that feeling stop ruining some of the best days of your life and joy of becoming a mom, first or any other time.

These days, the Cesarean section is very well practiced and rates for a great result are high so if we compare natural birth with it, we can see that major cases turn to be perfect. In the end, possibilities for something to go very wrong are decreased at a very minimum. Even if the difficulties become part of your experience, everything can be solved and it will finally be worthy of any trouble😊

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